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Sample usage of umsCodeGenerator

Sample Files in the distribution

In 'sample' directory in the distribution, there are six mapping definition files for umsCodeGenerator as well as test program, input data and expected result to be combined with these mapping files. Correspondence between mapping definition files, test programs, input data and expected results are shown in the following table.

Input Data mapping definition Test Program Language Expected Result
(a') (B) (c)
textSampleTest.dat textSample.dat-perl PERL textSampleTest.result
textSampleTest.dat textSample.dat-clng textSampleTest.c C textSampleTest.result
textSampleTest.dat textSample.dat-java C textSampleTest.result
textSampleTest.dat fixedSample.dat-perl PERL textSampleTest.result
textSampleTest.dat (N/A) (N/A) C textSampleTest.result
textSampleTest.dat (N/A) (N/A) JAVA textSampleTest.result
(none) xrteStatus.dat-perl PERL xrteStatusTest.result
(none) xrteStatus.dat-clng xrteStatusTest.c C xrteStatusTest.result
(none) (N/A) (N/A) JAVA xrteStatusTest.result

Step 1. Extraction of input schema and output schema

A mapping definition file can be created from schema of input and schema of output. On the other hand, mapping definition file can be split into schema of input (description of external data) and schema of output (description of interface with program language). Spliting of mapping definition file in XML syntax can be performed with style sheet of XSLT. Current version of umsCodeGenerator deals with one input space and three output spaces. There are four (one + three) XSLT style sheets in the distribution.

  • selectDat.xsl: extracts schema elements in spaces "" and ""
  • selectPerl.xsl: extracts schema elements in spaces "" and ""
  • selectClng.xsl: extracts schema elements in spaces "" and ""
  • selectJava.xsl: extracts schema elements in spaces "" and ""

Sample of spliting is described in <target name="split"/> portion of 'build.xml' in the the distribution.

<target name="split">
  <xslt in="sample/textSample.dat-perl"  style="classes/selectDat.xsl"  out="test/textSample.dat.dat-perl" />
  <xslt in="sample/textSample.dat-clng"  style="classes/selectDat.xsl"  out="test/textSample.dat.dat-clng" />
  <xslt in="sample/textSample.dat-java"  style="classes/selectDat.xsl"  out="test/textSample.dat.dat-java" />
  <xslt in="sample/fixedSample.dat-perl"  style="classes/selectDat.xsl"  out="test/fixedSample.dat.dat-perl" />
  <xslt in="sample/xrteStatus.dat-perl"  style="classes/selectDat.xsl"  out="test/xrteStatus.dat.dat-perl" />
  <xslt in="sample/xrteStatus.dat-clng"  style="classes/selectDat.xsl"  out="test/xrteStatus.dat.dat-clng" />
  <xslt in="sample/textSample.dat-perl"  style="classes/selectPerl.xsl"  out="test/textSample.perl.dat-perl" />
  <xslt in="sample/textSample.dat-clng"  style="classes/selectClng.xsl"  out="test/textSample.clng.dat-clng" />
  <xslt in="sample/textSample.dat-java"  style="classes/selectJava.xsl"  out="test/" />
  <xslt in="sample/fixedSample.dat-perl"  style="classes/selectPerl.xsl"  out="test/fixedSample.perl.dat-perl" />
  <xslt in="sample/xrteStatus.dat-perl"  style="classes/selectPerl.xsl"  out="test/xrteStatus.perl.dat-perl" />
  <xslt in="sample/xrteStatus.dat-clng"  style="classes/selectClng.xsl"  out="test/xrteStatus.clng.dat-clng" />

Each 'xslt' element describes extraction of input or output schema. Mapping definition file is specified in 'in' attribute. File name of input or output schema to be generated is specified in 'out' attribute. Style sheet is specified in 'style' attribute.

This can be performed by following command.

ant split

Step 2. Validation of input schema and output schema

Schema of input and schema of output must satisfy grammar of schema of each space. When schema is described in XML, it is possible to describe some portion of grammar with XML schema languages. There are one RELAX NG schema of input schema and three RELAX NG schema of output schema in the distribution.

  • ums-dat.rnc: for input schema consists of spaces "" and ""
  • ums-perl.rnc: for output schema consists of spaces "" and ""
  • ums-clng.rnc: for output schema consists of spaces "" and ""
  • ums-java.rnc: for output schema consists of spaces "" and ""

Some obvious error in the description of mapping definition can be checked with validator of RELAX NG (eg. jing) with the schema of input and output schema.

Sample of validation is described in <target name="validate"/> portion of 'build.xml' in the distribution.

<target name="validate" depends="split">
  <java jar="${env.JING_HOME}/jing.jar" fork="true"><arg value="-c"/><arg value="classes/ums-dat.rnc"/><arg value="test/textSample.dat.dat-perl"/></java>
  <java jar="${env.JING_HOME}/jing.jar" fork="true"><arg value="-c"/><arg value="classes/ums-dat.rnc"/><arg value="test/textSample.dat.dat-clng"/></java>
  <java jar="${env.JING_HOME}/jing.jar" fork="true"><arg value="-c"/><arg value="classes/ums-dat.rnc"/><arg value="test/textSample.dat.dat-java"/></java>
  <java jar="${env.JING_HOME}/jing.jar" fork="true"><arg value="-c"/><arg value="classes/ums-dat.rnc"/><arg value="test/fixedSample.dat.dat-perl"/></java>
  <java jar="${env.JING_HOME}/jing.jar" fork="true"><arg value="-c"/><arg value="classes/ums-dat.rnc"/><arg value="test/xrteStatus.dat.dat-perl"/></java>
  <java jar="${env.JING_HOME}/jing.jar" fork="true"><arg value="-c"/><arg value="classes/ums-dat.rnc"/><arg value="test/xrteStatus.dat.dat-clng"/></java>
  <java jar="${env.JING_HOME}/jing.jar" fork="true"><arg value="-c"/><arg value="classes/ums-perl.rnc"/><arg value="test/textSample.perl.dat-perl"/></java>
  <java jar="${env.JING_HOME}/jing.jar" fork="true"><arg value="-c"/><arg value="classes/ums-java.rnc"/><arg value="test/"/></java>
  <java jar="${env.JING_HOME}/jing.jar" fork="true"><arg value="-c"/><arg value="classes/ums-clng.rnc"/><arg value="test/textSample.clng.dat-clng"/></java>
  <java jar="${env.JING_HOME}/jing.jar" fork="true"><arg value="-c"/><arg value="classes/ums-perl.rnc"/><arg value="test/fixedSample.perl.dat-perl"/></java>
  <java jar="${env.JING_HOME}/jing.jar" fork="true"><arg value="-c"/><arg value="classes/ums-perl.rnc"/><arg value="test/xrteStatus.perl.dat-perl"/></java>
  <java jar="${env.JING_HOME}/jing.jar" fork="true"><arg value="-c"/><arg value="classes/ums-clng.rnc"/><arg value="test/xrteStatus.clng.dat-clng"/></java>

This can be performed by following command.

ant validate

No cross check of this step is implemented in the following steps. If you found error in validation, you must correct mapping definition before proceed.

Step 3. Generation of Source Code from mapping definition file

Many programs satisfy complete behaviors described in a mapping definition file. You can write such program by yourself. Alternatively, you can generate a few programs (one program at this moment) with umsCodeGenerator. This step is realized by XSLT stylesheet of XALAN extended with JAVA language. There are style sheets for each language. Three languages supported by method 2 of umsCodeGenerator is realized by four XSLT style sheets.

C language uses two style sheets, one for main body of source code and the other for header file. Other languages use one style sheet. Appropriate style sheet should be specified for generation of each source code .

Sample of source code generation is described in <target name="generate"/> portion of 'build.xml' in the distribution.

<target name="generate" depends="validate">
  <xslt in="sample/textSample.dat-perl"  style="classes/m2perlDecoder.xsl"  out="test/" ><classpath><pathelement/></classpath></xslt>
  <xslt in="sample/textSample.dat-clng"  style="classes/m2clngDecoder.xsl"  out="test/textSample.c" ><classpath><pathelement/></classpath></xslt>
  <xslt in="sample/textSample.dat-clng"  style="classes/m2chdrDecoder.xsl"  out="test/textSample.h" ><classpath><pathelement/></classpath></xslt>
  <xslt in="sample/textSample.dat-java"  style="classes/m2javaDecoder.xsl"  out="test/" ><classpath><pathelement/></classpath></xslt>
  <xslt in="sample/xrteStatus.dat-perl"  style="classes/m2perlDecoder.xsl"  out="test/" ><classpath><pathelement/></classpath></xslt>
  <xslt in="sample/xrteStatus.dat-clng"  style="classes/m2clngDecoder.xsl"  out="test/xrteStatus.c" ><classpath><pathelement/></classpath></xslt>
  <xslt in="sample/xrteStatus.dat-clng"  style="classes/m2chdrDecoder.xsl"  out="test/xrteStatus.h" ><classpath><pathelement/></classpath></xslt>
  <xslt in="sample/fixedSample.dat-perl"  style="classes/m2perlDecoder.xsl"  out="test/" ><classpath><pathelement/></classpath></xslt>

Each 'xslt' element describes a source code generation with style sheet. Mapping definition file is specified in 'in' attribute. File name of source code to be generated is specified in 'out' attribute. Stylesheet for source code generation is specified in 'style' attribute.

This can be performed by following command.

ant generate

Step 4. Compilation and Execution of Test Program

Test and verification of programs can be performed in the 'test' direcotry. First, you have to move current directory from the top directory with following command.

cd test

Execution of test program in compilation language (C, JAVA) requires compilation of sample and generated source code. To perform this, type following commands.

make compile

Finally, you can execute test program and compare its result with stored result. To perform this, type following commands.

make test

Compilation and execution of test above can be simply covered by following commands.
